{{indexmenu_n>90}} {{anchor:ugd_miscinfo}} ====== Important Information ====== * ASTER license is tried to the CPU and HDD of the computer. Before changing the HDD or the processor, please deactivate the license. * The license can be activated only on one computer - to transfer the license to another computer, you need to deactivate the license. * To add more workplaces, you can activate Pro or Annual licenses as required. * Before installing a new version or updating drivers for your hardware - we recommend you disable ASTER and then do the process! * Some applications bundled with drivers like Nvidia Experience, Vulcan, Radeon Settings are potentially incompatible with ASTER (depending on software and hardware configuration), thus we recommend you not install them when you install drivers. A list of incompatible software is provided on our website [[..:faq:faq_soft|FAQs]]. For technical support for ASTER please email: **support@ibiksoft.com** or you can contact our technical support using one of the following messaging application: **Skype:** aster.ibik \\ **WhatsApp:** +9779860240841 \\ **Telegram:** +9779813098760 When you contact the support service, besides the description of the problem, we recommend you to send a file with the technical report of the program and screenshots to better explain the problem. If there are problems with activation, you must specify the name and email used during purchase of the license and if you can then your order id for the purchase or some proof of your purchase. You will find the [[..:ugd|user manual]] and answers to common questions [[..:faq|here]]. The history of version changes is available [[..:history|here]]. Answer to many questions can be found on our [[https://forum-en.ibik.ru/|forum]]. Visit our site [[https://ibiksoft.com/|https://ibiksoft.com/]], Message us, we are always here to assist our users